Dipped Chocolate Anything

Dipped Chocolate Anything

Mark BittmanTime 45 minutes Yield Enough for 20 to 30 dips

Tempering chocolate is not hard, but it’s a little bit tricky. You definitely need a candy thermometer (old-fashioned or digital) to measure three or four temperatures: roughly 115 degrees Fahrenheit and 91 and 88 degrees. Melt the chocolate slowly in a double boiler to about 115 degrees. Then to bring the temperature to dipping perfection (91 degrees), add more unmelted chocolate to the pot until the temperature is 91. At that point you can start dipping — fruit, graham crackers, cookies — whatever. When the chocolate reaches 88 degrees, if it lasts that long, the dipping must stop. But don’t worry, you can reheat the chocolate.
view this recipe on NYTCooking.com

