Ravioli Verdi With Butter, Parmesan and Pepper

Ravioli Verdi With Butter, Parmesan and Pepper

Time 1 hour 15 minutes Yield 4 servings, plus leftover pasta and sauce

For these stunning green-on-green ravioli, stuff a verdant, spinach-packed dough (a modification covered in this basic fresh pasta recipe) with a sweet chard and onion filling. Shaping the ravioli will take some time, so solicit help from friends and family and form an assembly line to speed up the process. Then, set the table and make sure everyone is ready to eat before you drop the pasta in the pot and start the sauce. Toss the just-cooked ravioli with the creamy butter sauce and serve piping hot so everyone can enjoy the pasta at its peak. This recipe also makes more than you might need, so freeze the leftovers before dressing them in the sauce for a mighty meal in the days and weeks to come. (And check out Cooking's How to Make Pasta guide for more tips and video.)
view this recipe on NYTCooking.com


For the filling:

For the pasta:

For the sauce:
